
We would like to share with you what we are seeing through the eyes of the Spirit with discernment in place.

You are probably, or should be well aware that this is end times.

You have begun seeing scripture being fulfilled right before your eyes.  One only needs to read Matt 24 and 1 Thessalonians 5  in conjunction with the six o’clock news to know that we are in the beginning of sorrows.

God has instructed us in His Word (Matt. 24:44-47) to be ready and by doing so, we shall be blessed.  If you believe His Words are Spirit and Truth, then you have it in your heart to believe the things He will be telling you.  Either through the written Word or words He speaks in your heart.  DO THEM!  Be a doer of the Word of God and not just a hearer only.
OK, this is what we are seeing.  Please, be very careful about this.  There are churches and places that are operating in a spirit of compromise.  The beautiful gifts that have been given to people, like praying in the spirit, prophecy, discernment, have in general, been put on a shelf lying dormant for some time now.   Some churches have set these gifts aside so as not to offend anyone as they become seeker friendly.  These gifts are real, and need to be put into use now more than ever.
Case in point, a friend had recently shared how she come to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  She was just doing her own thing, when someone invited her to church and to finally get them off her back, she went.  At the service, there was a time of singing in the spirit, and even though she didn’t know what it was, it drew her back again as it was very beautiful to her.  She also heard how there was healing available from this Jesus they talked about.  And one day she had opportunity to put this healing thing to the test.  Her little boy took a spill and had bones sticking up and out of place.  As he sat on her lap screaming, laying her hands on him she asked this Jesus she heard about to heal him.  She said, her and her girl friend could hear the popping of the bones as they went back into place.  She decided then and there to really receive this Jesus as HER Lord and Savior and has been serving Him ever since for over 35 years now.
Am I saying that you need to go to the “Singing in the spirit church”?  No, but I think you know what we’re talking about.  The Bible says  in 11 Cor. 10:3-4 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh;  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds”  These weapons (power tools) God has given to us will seem foolish to the average man, but they are from God and backed by Him with all His power,
Remember, as we see what is going on around us, God has already promised to keep us in perfect peace, as we keep our mind on Him.  (Is. 26:3)
To know these things causes us to be a blessed people without worry.  Our job, as the Body of Christ is lead others in this by example.