Business Law


In Jeremiah 1:12 God said, “Thou hast well seen, for I will watch over My Word to perform it.”
Keeping that thought in mind, I want to share that recently I had opportunity to use something I had learned in a business law course I had taken. 
I was taught that you always get the item for the price as it is marked, even if it is the wrong price.  So it was for me on my purchase.  That instance brought this, the following to mind.
A wonderful life the Eden blessing is, and it has already been purchased at the cross and paid for and given back to us.  But, because of toxic teaching and false advertisements of the enemy, many do not know that it belongs to them, and consequently cannot get God’s business done because they don’t know or believe the price marked is the settled price.  It is finished, and you can have it for that price!  (FREE  for those who will believe and receive)
Remember, Jesus paid the price for us to live in the Garden.  Our job is to enter in and enjoy.
Serving the one and only Living God;
Pastors, Tom and Cee Jay